While I recommend reading this introduction, it can be skipped by
You have found my genealogical website at its new network address! There are now 1173 of my ancestors with individual pages at this site; there are now 162 dead links to pages that I have not yet created. The number of dead links should decrease over time but may temporarily increase from one month to the next. You have found such a dead link if you get the 404 (document not found) error message when linking to a parent, spouse, child, or sibling. If you think a particular person should be added right away, then please e-mail me.
Because of the number of people following developments at this site, there is a blog for important announcements, periodic (probably monthly) progress reports, and the description of web site changes.
This is still a work in progress as well as an experiment in self-publishing. Links to documents that do not exist indicate work that is yet to be done. Many of the documents are incomplete because I do not have lists of children or siblings at hand. Eventually I will be adding all of that plus historical narratives and bibliographic references. There are already many photographs, and I plan to add more. Each ancestor cited for service in the American Revolution by either the DAR or the SAR now has a description of that service, and there is now an index to those ancestors. Please revisit at intervals to check progress. E-mail comments are welcome.
In 1958 I became interested in my own ancestry when I found myself listed in The Descendants of James Stafford by Cornelia Wearn Henderson. Six years later I began collecting such genealogical information as I could obtain from relatives, and in 1968 I began doing my own research at the Library of Congress, the National Archives, and the DAR Library at Constitution Hall, all in Washington, DC. I continued this steadily through 1973, mostly to satisfy my own curiosity, but only in a desultory fashion since then. Beginning in the late 1970s various relatives have urged me to publish, but none of them offered to subsidize my increasingly lavish lifestyle for the several years required to produce a book by conventional means. Then came the World Wide Web!
This site went online on September 21, 1996.
This project is dedicated to three of my grandaunts who were of enormous assistance to me when I was getting started:
Edith Brotherton (Mrs. Francis F. McKinney) (1893-1979),
sister of
Dorothea Josephine Brotherton,
on the Brothertons and allied families.
She sent me new information on the maternal ancestry of
Wilber Brotherton.
Maybelle A. Beadle (Mrs. Ambrose B. Acker) (1886-1975),
sister of
Frederick Williamson Beadle,
on the Beadles and allied families.
She sent me new information on
Mary Augusta Locke.
Mary Jane Alexander (Mrs. Robert F. Pace) (1895-1978),
sister of
Eumenes Elizabeth Alexander,
on the Alexanders and allied families.
She sent me new information on the ancestry of
Jonathan Franklin Alexander.
Grandaunts are the best! Unfortunately I had no Huston grandaunts, so I had to pursue those inquiries on my own.
When I began exploring the Web, I found sites with documents showing pedigree charts, but they seemed uninspiring. However, in the summer of 1996 I found the Family Web specification published by David Croft and decided that it was just the way that I wanted to organize my genealogical records on the Web.
All of the Family Web documents now have convenient links at the bottom of each page. The [Home] link takes you to my home page, the [Intro] link takes you to this introductory page, the [Names] link takes you to the names index, and the [Top] link takes you to the top of the current page. There's a link on my e-mail address for sending specific comments about that page.
If you're a relative of mine with Family Web pages, I invite you to link to the pages of our common progenitors, and I'll be happy to add links to your Family Web pages. However, I categorically refuse to provide Family Web pages for non-ancestors at this site, so don't even ask (Where would I draw the line? Siblings, but not cousins? Siblings and first cousins, but not second cousins and beyond?). On the other hand, while you'll have to set up your own Family Web pages at your own Web site, you won't have to duplicate my pages, and I'll be glad to help you get started.
Please remember that this is a work in progress. While there is no way for me to stop anyone from printing these Family Web pages, they are really just drafts that are unworthy of the permanence with which printing would endow them. Printing a few pages for review by someone without Internet access would be acceptable, but having them published in a newsletter would not. Furthermore, although no notice appears, I am the copyright holder. However, none of the preceding is meant to preclude genealogical researchers from helping themselves to the information on these pages. The information itself is, of course, in the public domain.
If you have photographs of any of the individuals on this Family Web and would like them to appear here, you might consider taking them to a photo shop to be scanned and digitized. You'll get back a diskette with graphics images on it. The next thing to do is to e-mail the graphics images to me as attachments with some text explaining who the person is, when and where the photo was taken, and any other context for a caption. An alternative is to make a copy of the diskette and send it to me by snail-mail (But you pay the postage!). If the photo has been folded or damaged, ask the photo shop about digital restoration; those lines and cracks can be removed by the magic of digital technology. One company that offers these services is Ritz Camera.
General comments about this site may be directed to Herb Huston.
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