National League of Women Voters Honor Roll

The article was published on page 25 in the May 1931 issue of the Woman's Journal. This electronic partial facsimile was produced from a 1970 photocopy, using an Epson flatbed scanner and optical character recognition (OCR) software. To improve readability, extraneous information was deleted, column breaks were removed, and lines were reflowed, but no other editing was done aside from the addition of hyperlinks. The accompanying photograph was scanned separately and then edited by StuVO with Adobe Photoshop to enhance contrast.

This document may be printed to show to people without access to the Internet, provided that this introduction and the information at the bottom of the page are retained.

May, 1931 25


THE bronze of the memorial tablet designed by Gaetano Cecere to record the League's National Roll of Honor is animated by the emotional intensity of the design. The panel depicts the wisdom, the sincerity, the faith and the exaltation of the pioneers as they stop in their steady march forward only to pass to fresher and more youthful hands the task to which they long devoted themselves. The light of their achievements spreads like the rays of the sun far over the horizon while the sturdy oak and the laurel symbolize their courage and strength. Ten stars mark the first ten years of the National League of Women Voters, the organization founded to promote the effective use of the privileges secured by the pioneers.

League of Women Voters Roll of Honor The Bronze Memorial Tablet Unveiled at
League Headquarters, April 15

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